Hasil gambar untuk Dampak positif smartphone

Here are 10 positive effects your phone has on your life:

1. Convenient remote communication

The existence of the main phone is to make long distance communication. If you have relatives who live far away from you, mobile phones can be the best alternative to find out about them. The news through text messages or voice directly from them certainly can treat your longing is not it?

2. Helper in emergency

The phone may be your helper in an emergency. You can notify your boss when stuck in traffic or anything else that happens during your trip to the office. If you are in an emergency position such as injuries or illness, you can contact the nearest ambulance or hospital to get help as early as possible.

3. Easy and cheap communication facilities

When compared with the letter, sending messages via text messages provided the phone was much cheaper. You also do not need long wait for the Post to deliver a reply letter colleagues and families that you send a letter, for sending messages via phone in seconds to minutes only. If you miss Will the voice and laughter of friends maupu distant family, you can call him. Although a bit more expensive than sending an instant message, having a conversation directly with them will save you time because you do not have to wait for a reply to their text.

4. Leisure facilities during leisure time

The phones on the market today are phones equipped with the latest and most up-to-date technology. Often you use your mobile phone when you get bored in the silence of your bus or home by using it to play the radio or music you store there. If your phone comes with internet features, you can open social media and online newspapers to keep up with the latest news about our surroundings.

5. Complete package as needed

The existence of smart phones or smartphones on the market make you feel the positive impact of the use of mobile phones that you are not aware of. You no longer need to buy a camera to capture those unexpected moments, just use the camera that your phone has then they will be immortalized into the picture and video. If you are a difficult person waking up early and ssah remember the daily agenda, you can use alarms and notes in other mobile features.

6. Ease of access to information

As the proliferation of the mobile phone industry, developers will strive to create sophisticated and cutting-edge technology in every mobile phone output. Smartphone in circulation today really dangat understand the needs of the wider community in detiap world. Providing additional internet features, will make mobile users feel comfortable with the freedom of access information provided by cyberspace. You do not need to buy a newspaper subscription every morning because you can access it anytime and anywhere when you need it.

7. Information dissemination

With the help of internet, the information obtained will be easier. If you have a little time to type in an information, you can type it once on your phone then share it with others who need it by copyv - paste or broadcast. This is very easy and effective if you have less time with the number of people you need to contact right away.

8. Supporting business activities

Poses become one of the most important things in business today. In addition to contacting coworkers, smartphones lull with all the features of internet access and social media to expand your business promotion. The performance of ads on the internet today is much more and varied than the ads on television. In fact, many large companies use unique ways to advertise their products or services through short videos on social media and advertising space provided.

9. Helpers for speech impediment

This often happens if you have friends or travel to regions and countries that have other languages. You will have difficulty in communicating directly with them, and will choose to write what you want to say to them. If you have a mobile phone with the advantages of an online dictionary feature, you can use it to translate according to the language you want to use.

10. Closer to the him

When you're approaching people you love, the phone seems very important to you in this period. Send a short message to ask what's up and what's up

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